What Makes You So Happy, I mean (looking at his home on a wagon) you live on the street... !?
I met Andre Green tonight living on 52nd Place under an overpass. I have passed under his spot numerous times always wondering who lived there. Tonight I decided to say hello, with one question in mind... What makes you happy? Also I might add, not knowing who I would find.
Without the chance even to ask the question yet, this fine man was already showing me the beauty in the world. "The beautiful blue skies, all of his bike parts, the skill it takes to turn wheelchair parts into pegs for haulin' ya friends," said Andre. Dude was seriously such a humble person, thankful for what little he had. When I did get around to the question, he smiled real big like and said "I am happy because I have everything I want, and the good Lawd gives me everything I need! I mean I get to build custom bikes and I am going to pick up my DVD player". Which I did find odd, noticing quickly that he did not have a tv nor an outlet at that.
Met a cool guy tonight, his name is Andre Green and he makes custom bikes on 52nd Place under the bridge.