Gramps had a style about him, all the way to the end. His clothes worn till they couldn’t hold on any longer, but always kept as clean as possible. Aluminum foil and paper towels used and reused as long as possible. Cigarettes by the masses stored in his closet. Gramps had gone through "The Great Depression" he knew what it was like to be starving and truly poor. He looked it in the face, hopped a train to the next town over and began fighting boxing matches for money. He'd fight till K.O. either way, “me or him” he’d say. “get paid and move onto the next town”.
I like to think I get my drive from him, taking on every project like a new opponent. Someone to get to know, something to dance with like a fighter with his opponent, something to conquer. I train daily to better my skills and take punches like everyone else.
Times don't get tough... YOU DO!
The opportunity to do what you love in life is a choice. A decision to pick yourself up when you feel like giving up, only to work harder. In my world, it’s all in what you put into it. Learn the hard way and fall behind, or stay ahead of the game by pushing it. Always be training…